Friday, February 01, 2008

Campaign Finance Reform

With John McCain looking like the leader in the Republican primaries, I've participated in several discussions regarding campaign finance reform. I am not a fan of the McCain-Feingold law. In my estimation it flies in the face of the first amendment. So what would work better?

I believe the solution is simple.
  • All contributions must come from the area the candidate seeks to represent e.g...
    • a Presidential may raise funds from anywhere in the U.S.,
    • a U.S. Senate candidate may raise funds from the state,
    • a Congressional candidate may raise funds from the congressional district,
    • etc...
  • All contributions must be attributed and public (the truth shall set you free).
  • There should be no limit on the size of individual contributions.
  • Corporations may not contribute in any manner. No money, no jets, no commercials, Nothing. The electoral process is for citizens. Corporations should be free to lobby politicians, but should have no input in elections.
These simple rules would place the power in the hands of the citizens, where it belongs. It is not the Federal Government's place to dictate to the people who they may support or to what extent they may support them. We created the government, we own the government, and we can replace it.

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